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Sentinel Sentinel Centinela Sentinelle Sentinella
Battle Stats
Level Turns HP PP Attack Defense Agility Luck HP Regen PP Regen
48 3 8736 780 608 216 171 54 200 30
Elemental Stats
Element Affinity Power Resist
Venus 1 100 100
Mercury 1 100 100
Mars 1 100 100
Jupiter 1 100 100
Battle Rewards
Coins Experience Drop Item Drop Chance
6144 10538 - 0.0%
Attacks Used in Battle
Ability Probability Range
Searing Beam 12.5% 7
Blue Bolt 12.5% 3
Destruct Ray 12.5% 3
Guard 12.5% 1
Armor Crush 12.5% 1
Attack 12.5% 1
Spark Plasma 12.5% 7
Break 12.5% 255
Sea of Time Islet Cave
Enemy Groups
Location Name Minimum # Maximum # Experience Coins Item Drop
Sea of Time Islet Cave Sentinel 1 1 10538 6144 -