Gaia Rock

Items:: Nut, Apple

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How to get there
From Izumo, go south then east. You won't miss it.

Gaia Rock Exterior
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Go north until you see a cave. Don't enter it, but instead go west and climb the rock ladder. Push the pillar down. Climb up and climb down the ladder to the east. Use Move to move the pillar onto the grey brick. Now go to the east and climb down. Go all the way back to the west and climb up again. Jump across the pillar and go east until you can climb up. Climb up one more time to the next screen.

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Go east and climb up the ladder. Then, up the vine. Climb up again until you reach the ledge. Go west and climb down the vine, then the ladder until you land on the ledge with a treasure chest. Climb back up once you've got it and go west. Slide down, then climb up again using the rock ladder. Walk west and climb down the ladder. Climb down again and go west. Use Whirlwind to blow the vine towards you. Felix will grab the vine. Press "A" to swing to the other side.


Here go west and use Move to push the pillar. Go back and swing back, then climb down the vine. Go west to climb up the ladder and the vine. Climb up again and push the pillar down. Climb up again. Climb up, then climb pass the statue onto the ledge and go west to the next screen.

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Here climb down twice. Go west and jump across the gap. Go west and climb up. Head to east and swing to the other side. Go east and climb up. Go west and swing to the other side, then climb up. Climb up the final ladder to the next screen.

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Here, take the eastern ladder. Climb up along the right side. When you spot a square of steps, be careful. What you need to do is to avoid the center section by climbing up with either left or right side. Other wise, a statue with pop up to knock you off.


After you safely pass the sector, climb up taking the western ladder. You will see another square of steps. This time go straight up. You will reach the ledge. From here, it is easy. Just find your way up and finally go east to the next screen.

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In this screen, walk along the northern cliff to the east to reach a wooden pillar. Jump across it, and head east until you reach a cliff, then head south and take an Apple. Now go all the way back to the west. Jump across back via the wooden pillar, and find a way south. Climb down and go east. Climb up and go north to the pillar. Move it all the way to the south, then go all the way back up to the group of rocks. Jump across the pillar. Go east and climb down the ladder. Go east and climb up another ladder. Go around the rocks to the south-east to climb down a ladder. Go east and climb up the final ladder.

Here go up and use Reveal to see a green statue. Talk to it and it will join your items inventory. Use Retreat to leave the mountain.