Kandorean Temple

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How to get there

From Daila, follow the path to the south-west. Follow it along until you notice a small clump of trees south of the path. Go south through the trees and cross the bridge to the east. Follow the path to the north-east until you see a temple.

Kandorean Temple
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Well, the door is closed and the 2 monks won't let you in. But don't worry, you have your own ways of getting in. Go west, then turn north and walk along the wall until you see something familiar to those of you who played Golden Sun - a cave hidden by a shrub. Use Sheba's Whirlwind to clear it out. Enter the cave.



Kandorean Temple Cave

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Here, simply follow the corridor until you see a rope. Climb up it and you will find yourself outside, but on the other side of the gate this time. Ignore the monks and enter the sanctum.

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Inside, the master is teaching the monks how to levitate. Most of them aren't doing too good though. Once they are done talking, enter the door in front of you. Inside, if you want some easy experience points/coins, you can fight a Mimic directly ahead of you. If not, simply turn left and go around until you reach the staircase.


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In this screen, climb down the ladder, then make your way south of the two red rocks. Keep following the corridor, and you will find a felled man. From here, walk north between the pillars. Go up the ladder, and walk south until you are above the man. Now jump on the pillars in this order: east, east, south, east, walk one pillar east, east, north, east, walk one pillar east, north, west, west, walk one pillar west, north, east, north, and finally jump north. Go through the door.


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In the next screen, take the left path. Go all the way to another staircase. There, you will see a waterfall. Go down the ladder. Walk south until there is a room for you to walk into the river (3 rocks in the stream right below). Now cross the river, and don't forget to hold "B" when you run across it. When you are nearly at the other side, go north in the small path against the current. Continue north, and veer right when you see the waterfall once again. Follow the path south and enter the cave.


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Here, push the wooden pillar onto western white circle. Now stand on the eastern white circle, and wait until it brings you up. This will bring you to another floor. Jump and get the psynergy card: this is a class-changing item. Jump back down. Push the pillar to the right this time, and stand on the left steam hole.

In the next floor, go to left and up the ladder. Go right and walk on the rope. Before walking on the second rope, go north and walk in front of the wooden pillar. Use Move to push it forward. Jump pass the gap and push the pillar until it blocks the steam hole. Go back and walk on the rope. Don't go down the ladder but go south. When a rock blocks your way, jump to the opposite side; same as the other rock blocks your way. Jump one more time to the left. Walk left and jump through the gap. Down the ladder and through the door.


Fight the Chestbeaters
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Ignore the Djinni for now and continue south. Up the ladder. Go up the staircase to the next screen. Up another staircase to your right. Go right on the next screen. Go up to where a boiling pot is. Move it aside. Keep going north and fight the Chestbeaters.

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Battle:: The ape in the middle has more HP than the other two. Use your strongest Psynergy several times and you should kill them easily.


Master the power of Lash
From here the path is pretty straightfoward. Once you reach the room with Master Poi, he will be quite surprised that you are not his student. But, as you have completed the trials cave, he will give you the Lash pebble and let you learn Lash.

Now equip the Lash pebble, and go back to where you saw the Mercury Djinni. Use Lash to reach him.