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How to get there
From Kibombo Mountains, go west and cross a bridge. Go north and follow the path. The sky will become darker and eventually you will reach Kibombo.


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At the entrance, go west between the pillars. You will see a rope which you can tie up using Lash. Go ahead and climb up. Go east and jump across all pillars. Go all the way north until you see the Great Healer. You are not suppose to talk to the villagers, but you can talk to the Great Healer if you need to revive somebody. Jump across some pillars to the west. You should jump over three pillars, then jump south, and jump over 4 pillars to the west. Now jump south then west onto the roof. From there hop on the ledge to the west. Go up and leave to the next screen.


North Side
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You will see that the ceremony has begun. Go up and meet Piers. He won't be very enthusiastic about your help, but before he can argue any more, the chief rises the orb up into the sky and wakes the God, but the God doesn't seem to care, so he goes back to sleep. Kraden tells Felix to help Picard by moving the pillar blocking your way to the backside. Go up and use Move on the pillar. He is surprised and the group has another conversation on Psynergy. Picard tells you that he is from Lemuria, an island in the middle of the ocean. They talk about alchemy, the ancient civilization of Lemuria, and sailing with the black orb. When Piers finally wants to go down, but Kraden stops his by offering to help Piers because they also have something to do in Lemuria. Picard agrees and finally joins your group. He's at level 18.



Ceremonial Ground

Go north where you found the pillar. You can get the psynergy stone if you are low on PP. Walk along the cliff and you will eventually see a vine for you to climb down. Go North, and Kraden will examinate the cracks on the ground. He will tell Felix to Scoop it. Watch the sequence. Kraden says that it seems like you need to Scoop to go in the sanctum. Go back south where the vine was, and use Scoop on the crack there. Go down.