Kibombo Mountains

Items:: Power Bread , Smoke Bomb

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How to get there
Kibombo Mountains is just north of Naribwe. Follow the path and eventually you will reach Kibombo Mountains.

Kibombo Mountains

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The point here is to sneak through the mountain, avoiding guards and a dog. Head up three stairs, and go right to the main stairs. You will overhear two guards talking about a ceremony in Kibombo, and that nobody is allowed to pass through. So, it doesn't make sense to go up the stairs and get thrown out. Instead, go east and push the box all the way to the east, then push it once up. For the box next to it, use Move to move it to the west. Climb up the vine and jump across the boxes. Climb up again and go north-west. Walk across the wooden entrance. Go west and push the pillar in front of you. Walk across it and climb up. Carefully head north.


Watch out for the guard here. When he's walking away from the box, hide yourself behind it. Push the box until you can climb up the vine (he won't mind seeing a moving box). Go all the way east until you see a pole with rope. Use Lash to connect them, and climb over the rope. Go south until you see a pillar with vines crawling all over it. Push it down. Return north and go north to a new screen.



North Side

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Here you've got interesting thing to do with the annoying guard. Walk on the ledge and go north. Go west until you see a box. Use Move to move it to the west, then push it to the west once more. Push it south once, and wait until the guard is standing right below you. Push it onto his head and trap him into the box. Now you are free to go down and get the treasure chest.


Go west, all the way to the cliff then turn north. Climb up the pillar with a vine. Step onto the ledge on the west, then go north. Jump across the pillars to the east. Now you need to trap the dog. Use Move to move the pillar to the east, then push it up, and to east one more time. You need to trap the dog in the southern part, so wait until the dog is running south. Remember, you need time to push the pillar. The best time to push is while the dog is running south but hasn't crossed the line. If you do it right, the dog will be trapped south of the pillar. Go back west and down the vine. Walk around the tree and go north into the cave. You can find a Smoke Bomb here. Go outside again, and the dog is released. Go stand beside the box with a bone upon it. Use Tremor, and the dog will grab the bone. He will be too occupied with the bone to take care of his duty. You can now go south and get the treasure you couldn't get before.


Go back up to the dog. You can even walk near it and it won't notice you. Use Whirlwind on the shrub and it will reveal an entrance. Enter the cave and walk through to the exit. Go south and climb up two vines. Go west and climb down a vine. Go west and climb down another vine. Go south-west and down all the stairs. When you reach the bottom, go west and jump across the river. Go north and exit to the west.