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How to get there
Sail your ship back to the ocean. You should now be west of Gondowan. Sail north along the shore to reach the continent of Angara. There is a very small beach hidden behind a mountain. Dock your ship there and depart. Loho is right next to it.



Go to the middle of the village. You will see a cannon. Click on it and select the Magma Ball from your items. This will activate the cannon. At first the men will get pissed off for making all the noise, but eventually they will notice that the wall has been destroyed, and that's what they wanted. They will give you the cannon as your reward. A man will climb to a roof to see your ship. They will then move the cannon away.


Go north through the broken wall. You will see some brown thing on the ground. Click on it and use Scoop to obtain a Golem Core. You will also notice a brown boulder. Use Lift on it, then click on the brown thing on the ground. Scoop it up to receive another Golem Core.


Climb the vine to the north. Go west and jump across the roof. There you can get a Jupiter Djinni. Leave the village. The three men you just met will talk to you and give you a piece of good news: they installed the cannon onto your ship, which will be very useful in the futur.