Shrine of the Sea God

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How to get there
From the Kandorean Temple, make your way back to Daila. There, go east and you will soon see the Shrine of the Sea God.

Shrine of the Sea God
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Climb down the ladder and go north to climb up another ladder. As you proceed, you will be stopped by a conversation between two boys. One of them got thrown on top of a cliff by a wave, and he's trying to get down. When his friend runs out to get help, you'll gain control again. Climb up the next ladder, and walk up to the Lash rope. Use Lash. This will let the poor boy get across. Him and his friend will then leave the cave, and you can continue your journey.

Climb the rope and go through the door. In this room, go west along two bridges, then veer south. Nothing more but a bridge now seperates you from a wind Djinni, but sadly, that bridge is cracked. As you walk across it, it will break, so climb up the ladder to approach the Djinni. When the Djinni sees you, it be surprised, and it will run across the next bridge. Cross it, and the Djinni will zoom out of your sight. No worries though, just follow his path until you reach a staircase leading you to a lower floor.


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In this floor, follow the footsteps until they reach water. Obviously, the footsteps aren't shown in water, and you have three staircase choices. Take the northern staircase.

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In this next floor, cross the western bridge, and you will see the Djinni fly by underneath you. Go down the staircase, and this time pick the southern staircase. Climb down the ladder, and follow the path to the north. You will see the Djinni once again, and yes, he'll be running from you once again. This time, though, you can trap him. Push the candle-like pillar all the way to the north, and climb up the stairs to meet the Djinni. He will be cornered, and have no choice but to fight you.

Once you've gotten the Djinni, use Retreat to leave the Shrine.