Weird Nymph
English | German | Spanish | French | Italian |
Weird Nymph | Finsternym. | Ninfa rara | Nymphe | Ninfa magica |
English | Conjure pixies to restore 125 HP. |
German | Ruft Elfen, um 125 KP aufzufüllen. |
Spanish | Conjura hadas para recuperar 125 PV. |
French | Implore les lutins de rendre 125 PV. |
Italian | Evoca spiritelli per recuperare 125 PS. |
GBA Icon | |
Element | |
Use In Battle | Yes |
Use Outside of Battle | No |
Target | Range | Type | Power | PP Cost |
Ally | Healing | 125 | 5 |
Games | Class Family | Minimum Class | Level Learned |